September 23, 2009
Wordless Wednesday - Blackmail is Beautiful!
September 22, 2009
What a Busy Weekend!
Saturday was a big day for our little family. Little Man celebrated his 5th birthday with a small birthday party and Bear got his first tooth!!! Of course Jellybean was floating around all over the house during this time... Unfortunately he did not hit any milestones this weekend. Poor guy.
I still can't believe that my oldest is 5 and in school already. It feels like just yesterday I was laying on the couch, 4 days over due, still waiting for him to make his arrival so that I could walk again. Celebrating a birthday is such a bittersweet occasion. It's exciting to see how big they've gotten and to stop and reflect on all I've accomplished as a mother in the last 5 years. But it's also sad when you look at how quickly the time has gone by.

(When it was time to cut the cake we all sang happy birthday to him, and then I yelled "Make a wish and blow out your candles!" He then proceeded to lean over his cake, close his eyes and loudly whisper, "I wish I had a race car!" and then blew out his candles. It really was too cute!!)
It's also bittersweet when your baby gets his first tooth. It's exciting because you know that soon he'll be able to eat real food and will no longer require spoon feeding, but it now hurts when he grabs your hand and starts to chew on your finger. I know it's just one little itty bitty tooth, but boy is it sharp!!
September 14, 2009
We're Buying a Home!!

As many of you know I recently started working full time. Well as you all know with a full time job, comes full time pay!! And well, lets just put it this way.... my husband and I LOVE to spend money! So what will we do now? We've decided to buy a house! I'm so excited!
We started looking at homes about 2 weeks ago. We found a few that we really liked. Unfortunately they were all under contract. We were so bummed. Then we found this huge beautiful home about 10 miles from where we currently live. We fell in love.
And with any great love affair, comes a commitment. So on Friday morning at 8am we placed an offer. And on Friday evening at 8:30 pm we got a call from our realtor. They had accepted our offer!! (No, they didn't accept it just like that, but that's a whole other story!)
My husbands I screamed into the phone when she told me the news. I don't think I did. He's delusional. :) But we are very excited! So now comes all the fun parts... packing, paperwork, money, inspections, more paperwork, more packing, more paperwork, more money and more paperwork!! I hope you all will enjoy my ramblings as I document our venture as first time home buyers!!
September 11, 2009
September 04, 2009
Paper Culture Review

September 02, 2009
My 100th Post!! With a Target Gift Card GIVEAWAY!!
And of course, I have to take a minute and reflect on all the fun I've had since I started writing!! I've "met" so many wonderful people blogging!! And I've even gotten a few awards! Personally, I've graduated from grad school, given birth to my 3rd son, celebrated my 5th wedding anniversary, had a child start kindergarten, had a husband get laid off of work, and then thankfully find a new job, and I went from being a stay at home mom to working full time! Holy cow! It's been a busy year! :) And there was even a few weddings and a funeral somewhere in there two! Shew!
Ok, well here's the fun part..... I'm going to be giving away a $15 Target giftcard to one of my lucky readers to help celebrate my milestone!!! Why Target? Well, it's my favorite store! And since it's MY milestone on MY blog, that's what I pick. :) (And because I thought all of you would like it too!)
Here's how to enter:
Mandatory 1st Entry: Tell me how you found out about this giveaway. For example, you already follow me.... or you found me through a link somewhere..... tell me where that link came from. You MUST do this to be qualified to win.
Extra Entries!
(1) Extra Entry- Follow me on blogger (or tell me you already do)!
(1) Extra Entry- Follow me on Facebook
(1) Extra Entry-Follow me on Twitter
(1) Extra Entry- Tweet this giveaway, be sure to link back to this post! This can be done once per day.
(2) Extra Entries - Leave a comment on another one of my posts here and then come back and tell me which one.
(5) Extra Entries- Blog about this giveaway!! You must leave a link to your blog post here.
Fine Print: Contest open to Continental US residents only. You MUST have an e-mail address easily accessible either on your blog or on your profile. I am horrible at scavenger hunts, so make sure I can find it, or just leave it with your comments. The contest ends at 12Midnight EST on Saturday, September 26, 2009. A winner will be chosen using within 24 hours of the contest closing. I will notify the winner by e-mail, and the winner will have 72 hours to claim their prize or another winner will be drawn.
Thanks for entering! Good Luck!!
And be sure to check out the other giveaways going on around the blogosphere!
August 31, 2009
I HATE Kindergarten!
The day started out wonderful! We all woke up and got ready. My hubby and I tag teamed packing Little Man's lunch for his first big day! We loaded up all 3 of the boys and all of their gear and headed out... with time to spare! (Which if you know us, that's a miracle in itself!)
So we dropped the 2 little ones of at Grandma's for the day and then headed to school. We pulled in the parking lot and took our Little Man to his classroom.
When we finally reached his classroom door, he walked right in! Not only did he walk right in, but he remembered where his cubby was and put in lunch box away!!! Then he hung up his book bag and went to his desk.... and he remembered which desk was his on the first try!! Oh, and he do I even need to mention that he didn't even look to see if I was still standing back there!? Sigh.... I know he's a big boy and can do things on his own, but come on now!! At least ACT like you NEED your MOTHER!!! Geez! So once I realized that he really didn't need me AT ALL, I snapped this picture of him doing his warm up at his desk and headed out.
August 25, 2009
McKlinky Blog Hop {8/25/09} Time to Laugh!
August 24, 2009
Guess where I've been!!!
Yep! You guessed it, the dog house. Why? Because I'm a horrible wife? No? How could that be? What did I do? Well.... remember a couple weeks ago I was talking about getting a job? And remember how I kept second guessing myself and whether I could really do it all? Well this past week I proved that I can't. At least not perfectly.
I forgot my husbands birthday. Ahh! Gasp!! I know, I know. How in the world could someone forget their spouse's birthday? I don't know. I mean I didn't forget. I just forgot that morning and afternoon.... until I heard someone else (my father in law to be exact) wish him happy birthday! Opps!! I knew there was something I meant to do!!
Well, needless to say, he was more than a little upset with me. Actually, today... 5 days later, he's still upset with me. I spent my whole weekend trying to make it up to him.... taking him out to dinner, letting him go shopping with no limits (yeah, stupid idea... I don't suggest trying that.... now I have a huge bill to pay)!
Am I the only bad wife out there? And just for the record.... I had made plans the day before his birthday with my mother in law to sit the kids so I could take him out. I just forgot that I had made those plans on the day of. I guess I need a brighter highlighter for my calendar.
August 21, 2009
I Got 2 Awards! Yay!
Ok, so several weeks ago I received 2 'awards'. Yay! I guess it's time to post them and pass them along!!
First, I received the Honest Scrap Award from the fabulous Christen over at La Vida Lista!
Now for the rules:
-Thank the award giver
-Copy the logo and place on your blog
-Link back to the award giver/s
-Name 10 things about you that people may find interesting
-Nominate and link up to 10 other blogs for this award
-Comment on each blog to tell them about the award!
So here's 10 semi-interesting things about me:
1. I love to take pictures... so much that if I could I'd quite my day job and be a professional photographer.
2. I suck at taking pictures, which is why I'll never quite my day job.
3. I want to learn to sew.
4. I secretly want another baby.... I really want to try again for a girl!
5. I'm a horrible speller.... spell checker is my life line!
6. I once kissed a rock star!
7. I can't cook. Really, just look at how skinny my children are!
8. I hate to clean. Seriously, my house looks like ToysRUs and the laundry mat collided going 200 mph!
9. One day I want to publish a book... I don't care what it's about, just a book. Maybe it'll be about boogers. Who knows.
10. Number 6 is a complete lie. I just wanted to feel interesting.
Here are a few blogs that I'm bestowing this wonderful award to!
1. Slee @ Paisley and Pretties
2. KT @ Sneaker Teacher
3. Misty @ The Queen of My House
4. Melissa @ Frugal Creativity
5. Kris @ House, Hands and Heart full
And here is my Kreativ Blogger Award! It was given to me by My Bargain Mom! (Who by the way has some terrific tips to save money!)

Here are the RULES of this Award:
(1) Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
(2) Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
(3) Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
(4) Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
(5) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
(6) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
(7) Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
And well, I'm not that interesting.... so you can refer to the above list for 7 interesting things about me. And don't worry... I don't care which 7 you re-read. :)
And here are 7 Kreativ Blogs that I love reading!
1. Kayla @ My Simply Chaotic Life
2. Christen @ La Vida Lista (and no, it's not just b/c she gave me an award... she really is fabulous!)
3. Monique @ Resident Mommy
4. Billie @ Bugs and Snails
5. Cindy @ Chalk it Up!
6. Amy @ Happily Ever After
7. ItsyBitsyKnitsy
August 13, 2009
Help Me Fight Hunger!!!

Did you know that last year 35.1 million Americans did not have enough food to meet the basic nutritional needs? That's 1 in every 8 Americans!! And elderly and children are becoming more and more at risk! That's scary!!
A few weeks ago I was contacted to help spread the word about ShopRite Partners in Caring's quest to fight hunger. And while I'm a little late getting this post up.... this is a cause that is to good not to share with you all!!
What is ShopRite Partners in Caring? ShopRite Partners in Caring is a "year-round, community-based, hunger-fighting initiative that works with 50 food industry manufacturers to provide $2 million annually to qualified charitable agencies in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Rhode Island."
This year ShopRite Partners in Caring is celebrating 10 years and has donated $20 million to over 1,400 charities!!! These charities have included senior citizen programs, battered women's shelters, emergency food pantries, after-school programs, programs for disabled and others!!
And the donations aren't just food! They donated other much needed essentials such as toothpaste or pantyhose thanks to the partnership with the 50 manufacturers they work with!
How Can YOU Help??
Easy! There are several ways that you can help!!
1.) Shop at ShopRite stores and look for specially marked items with the ShopRite Partners In Caring shelf tag , and you'll be donating to one of the 1,400 charities that ShopRite works with!! "It’s that simple."
2.) Don't have a ShopRite? That's ok! Leave a comment to this post by August 20, 2009 and ShopRite will donate 1 box of cereal to a food bank in ShopRite's trading area for each of the first 30 bloggers that leave that said comment!!! How cool is that!?
3.) Check out ShopRite Partners in Caring's website with more ways you can help!!
So really, all you have to do is leave me some love right here..... anything.... tell me what your favorite charity is or your favorite aspect of ShopRite Partners in Caring! Anything! Just leave a comment and get a box of cereal donated!!
Here's some quick links with great info!
Check out ShopRite Partners in Caring's info here.
Get more information about hunger here!
Get information on ShopRite Partners in Caring's featured charity here.
Read up on the latest news about this great program here!!!
August 12, 2009
Wordless Wednesday- When My Husband Sleeps....
August 11, 2009
I Survived my First Day!
And after a day, I think it will be good for me to be at work. I really enjoyed my time with the boys tonight. Even cleaning up the popcorn that Jellybean so willingly smashed into the floor with his food on purpose, wasn't annoying. I think this will give me a new perspective on parenting and on my kids!
And in other news..... I enrolled Little Man into Kindergarten at a local private christian school yesterday! He'll start in about 2 weeks!! I'm so excited, but so upset that he's grown up so fast! Sigh... where does the time go??
And thanks to those of you who have visited and left such sweet comments over the last few days. I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back to you yet.... it's been nuts! But I haven't forgotten you all!
And why do I seem to have to start every new paragraph with "and"? My high school english teacher would be soooo upset with me! :)
August 09, 2009
Can I Be a SuperMom?!?!
I've been a SAHM to my 3 little guys since Little Man was just a baby.... almost 5 years! And starting this Tuesday I'll be working full-time as school counselor at my county's alternative school. I am really excited to start my job. I know I'll LOVE it! But it's going to be so hard to leave my babies, especially little Bear, who just turned 4 months old last Monday.
I think my biggest fear is whether or not I can really pull off being a SuperMom! Can I really take care of a home and my family while working full-time? Sure, other moms do it all the time! Key word in that statement: OTHER.
Can I live up to the definition of a SuperMom?
Here's how Merriam-Webster defines a Supermom:
Main Entry: su·per·mom
Pronunciation: \ˈsü-pər-ˌmäm\
Function: noun
Date: 1974
: an exemplary mother; also : a woman who performs the traditional duties of housekeeping and child-rearing while also having a full-time job
Wow! Exemplary?! And since 1974? Hmmm.... I wouldn't have guessed that this term had been around that long. I guess all my lovely mental pictures of carefree days in which the mothers didn't work aren't from the 80's!
I know what you're thinking.... "Geez, Heather! Come on! Suck it up and just do it!" Ok, ok. I will. Just please say a little prayer for me on Monday evening! I'll keep you posted with how it all goes!
August 08, 2009
Solo Cup Photo Contest!

August 07, 2009
Five For Friday! {5 GREAT Giveaways!!}
1. Enter to win one of four gift certificates to Ju Ju Beane Boutique. One grand prize winner will get a $100 gift certificate and 3 winners get a $25 gift certificate to the baby boutique. Enter at The Shopping Mama by August 19.
2. Win a $100 gift card to Barnes and Noble. Enter at Frugal Creativity by August 14.
3. Win a $150 gift card for back to school shopping at Enter at One Bored Mommy by August 18.
4. Win a Coach wallet, sponsored by Jomashop ($228 value). Enter at Southern Girl Reviews by August 30.
5. Win a Bumbleride Indie twin stroller valued at $650!! Enter at Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House by August 11.
August 05, 2009
Wordless Wednesday! {Flashback to Early 1940s}

1941 By the Barn

August 04, 2009
His Tattling Backfired!!
Little Man: "Mom! Come look what Jellybean did!"
Me: "What did he do?"
Little Man: "You have to come look!"
Me: "Can't you just tell me?"
Little Man: "No, you have to come look!!!"
Me: (Knowing that Jellybean was starting to push one of my couch cushions off as I walked downstairs) "Well, go tell him to put the couch cushion back on the couch."
Little Man: (Looking at me with a strange stunned look.) "And he's in trouble and can't go to Granny's house, right?"
Me: "Yep, he's in trouble, but if he can't go to Granny's house, then neither can you."
Little Man: "Huh?"
Me: "If he can't go to Granny's house, then you can't either. I can't take one of you and leave the other at home alone."
Little Man: (Took off running upstairs as fast as he could while yelling) "Wait Mom! Wait! Don't come upstairs yet! Ok, Mom?! Don't come upstairs!!"
I quietly went up the stairs right after him and peeked around the corner. Jellybean was sitting in the middle of a pile of toys that he'd dumped out and Little Man was putting the couch back together. :) Hehe!! The mind of a 4 year old is a beautiful thing! Maybe that will teach him not to tattle so much!
August 01, 2009
First Years Nursing Wrap Review

July 31, 2009
Spotlight on PR: Who Am I?
But it can all get a little overwhelming when you're a new blogger like myself. I don't know where to start to all of PR. But I do know that I'd love to be more involved with companies, organizations and other people. Now I just need to figure out how to do that... Hmm... Well, that's where Adrienne and Tara come in. I found a post on Tara's blog, Feels Like Home, called Spotlight on PR. Here's the gist... basically those of us who are new to PR write a post about ourselves, our blog and what we'd like to do and link it up. Simple enough, right? Well, I thought I'd give it a try, so here's some information about me!!
Who Am I?
Well, as of right now I'm a stay at home mom. I graduated in December of 2008 with a Masters degree in School Counseling. I know I'll love my job when I start working, but I'm sure I'm ready to head out into the work world yet. I love spending my days playing with me 3 boys. (Yes, I have 3 boys!!) My little rascals are 4, 2 and 4 months. They keep me on my toes, but I couldn't imagine it any other way. I love to take pictures and scrapbook, and I would love to learn to sew. I'm tired to staring at a dust covered sewing machine that I have no idea how to use!
My Blog?
Hmm... Well.... What can I say? I'm still pretty new and trying to get more into my blog. The bulk of my blog is personal stories and parenting experiences. I also recently started a Five for Friday post in which I list 5 various things, such as pet peeves. I plan to start including more tips, some crafts, and fun new products.
My Direction?
I would love to expand my blog to include product reviews. Though I have never done a review, I love reading them and would like to give them a try myself! I love learning about new products and services and sharing them with my friends and family. How fun would it be to be able to do this with all of my bloggy friends too?!
At risk of becoming too overwhelming and spilling too much I'm going to stop. If you'd like anymore info please check out my profile, where you can also find my e-mail address!
And for more info about the Spotlight on PR that Tara and Adrienne are hosting click the button below!
Five For Friday! {5 Pet Peeves!}
1. When someone calls you and then doesn't talk, forcing you to wonder why they called in the first place.
2. Drivers who pull out in front of you and then honk their horn.
3. Parents who think it's ok that their 8 year old just body slammed your 2 year old into the ground.
4. Sitting at the table with someone who chews like a cow.
5. People who don't wash their hands after using the restroom. Yes, lady, I saw you sneak out the door! That's gross!!
July 30, 2009
Big Decison.... What to do, What to do?
Then last week I got a call to interview for another, unexpected opening at the county's alternative school. I decided to go and see what it entailed. After the interview I had mixed feelings. In a way I thought it would be nice to have a job, any job. And I thought that it wouldn't be so bad working with these challenging kids. But I still thought I had a slim chance of getting the job.
Well, today I was told by 2 counselors which I interned with that I had unofficially gotten the job. Now I just need to be approved by the school board! Yikes! Now don't get me wrong, I know that in this economy I should be thankful for anything that comes my way. But I'm not. I'm torn between going back to work and staying home with my kids just another year. It's so much harder than I thought it would be!
I don't have child care. I have nothing to wear. My poor baby has no milk stored. I feel like a mess! Ugh! Oh, and did I mention that the new teacher academy starts next Monday. So I'd likely be called one day and asked to start the next.
It is such a big decision and I'm scared to tell my husband because I know he'll just tell me to buck up and take the job. Maybe I should. Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted with my decision!
July 28, 2009
McKlinky Blog Hop {7/28/09} Favorite Kid Photos!
Click here to enter your link in the blog hop and view the entire list of entered links...