February 01, 2010

My Utter Impulsivity

Last night my husband turned on the Pro Bowl and took his usual position on the couch. I walked into the room and asked him a question about the game, pointing at the TV. Now I didn't touch the TV, but I was very close to it, within an inch or so.

At this point my husband looks at me and yells: "Don't touch the TV!"

I replied: "I didn't touch the TV, but so what if I did. If I want to touch the TV, I will!"

I turned and started to walk back to the kitchen, but of course I just had to walk back in and say: "In fact, if I want to lick the TV, I will!!"

And I hate to admit it, but it took every bone in my body to NOT lick the TV!!

Ugh! My husband really brings out the best in me!!


Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Oh my gosh - too funny!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Ha ha ha! Glad to know you didn't lick the tv, but made your point. :)