July 01, 2009

My Mid-Year's Resolution!

Well, as you all know I have not been doing so well with my exercise and dieting. But that's no surprise! :) But I've decided to take charge and make a change, starting today. I'm calling it my Mid-Years Resolution!!

Here's the way I see it.... New Years Resolutions never last. Here's why:
1.) It's January, which means where I live it's cold! So, you're stuck inside.
2.) Since it's cold I can wear baggy clothes to cover up those extra pounds! No biggie!
3.) Since it's cold I stay inside! I hate the cold!
4.) It's January 1st and I still have all those yummy Christmas cookies and left overs from all the get togethers that HAS to be eaten!
5.) If you're like me, you get food, mostly chocolate, for gifts. And you can't let gifts go to waste!
6.) A year is such a long time to achieve a goal, you don't REALLY need to start right away.
7.) It's much easier to sleep in during the winter months!
8.) During this season you're in the mood to give... and dieting/ exercise is not very 'giving' if you ask me!

So, you see... the list could go on and on.... but what it comes down to is this:
It is NOT YOUR FAULT that you didn't keep that New Year's Resolution.... it's Mother Nature's Fault! :) (I know, some people would disagree with me, but just humor me now!)

So here's my Mid-Years Resolution that I hope I can keep:
Drop these extra 35 pounds of baby weight I picked up with this last pregnancy. (This will take me from my current 180 down to 145.) My goal is to be there by Christmas. I think it's doable, but I'll really have to work at it

My plan? I'm going to re-start my 30 day challenge on my EA Sports Active (since I only got through 3 workouts before throwing in the towel last month). I'm also going to start walking. My goal will be to start with 1 or 2 days a week and work up to 5-7 days a week. (I know me, I have to start small!) I'm also against diets of every kind, so I'm not dieting per se. I will, however, be watching what I'm eating. This will be the hardest for me to achieve!

We'll see! Wish me luck! Or better yet, come join me and make your own Mid-Year's Resolution!!!

Write your own Mid-Years Resolution and add your link below!!


Debbie @ OtRD said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway and stopping by my blog.

This plan sounds great! Good luck with the 30 day challenge. The walking plan sounds great. I find that scheduling in workouts like appointments help me stick with them and if you are meeting a friend to walk or do something active you are less likely to skip it. Good Luck!!

Ms Cupcake said...

The weekend is almost here.Yay! I hope you have a fun weekend planned.

Ms Cupcake. Checking in from Zen Cupcake

reener said...

Hey, it took me 22 years to get back to 152. I was around 160 up until 4 months ago. I'm 5'7 1/2". My goal too is to get to at least 145. I've cut back to only two meals a day. Healthy meals, mind you. And cut the desserts in half. I, too, am a chocoholic. I treat myself every now and then to a Snickers Dark or Hershey's Special Dark bar.

Stick with your plan. Stress remember will add weight, so try not to stress about anything if you can.

Lots of luck. You CAN do it! Be patient. It'll come!

Curious said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I like your mid-years resolution a lot better for all your reasons!

Do you do your EA weight loss thing on Wii? I wanted to get the Wii fit but I'm afraid it won't do much.

Kim said...

I'm with ya! I have 10 more pounds to lose from my pregnancy and I am finally motivated. I agree that it's the weather. My plan is to walk, do yoga on Wii Fit and I would love to try Wii Active. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm all for a mid-year resolution. Mine is eating well and exercising. But of course July could be as tough as January with all the macaroni and potato salad, hamburgs and hot dogs at cookouts. And it might be too hot to exercise.

Kelsey Taylor said...

What a great idea, I do so well for like 3 months then I start slacking with my resolutions.. I also have to start small.. I started following you today and hope to hear more of you resolutions.. btw I totally agree with your reasoning on why they do not last:D... I will sit down today and write out my mid-year resolution!!!